Finding your True North

‘A brand lives in the minds of people. Every post, article, image, slogan, message, story and trait influences their perception. When you can map your touchpoints to sing in strategic harmony … You can mould those perceptions …’ Stephen Houraghan | Brand Master Academy

 It goes without saying that your physical space influences the perception of your brand.  Your interior is a collective of brand touchpoints from the materials you use to the music you play. What do they say about you and your brand?

This is a concept design we are currently working on. It’s warm, inviting, paired back yet sophisticated with attention to detail and craftsmanship. The materials are honest, clean and natural. Without knowing the brand, you’ve already attributed the same qualities to them before you’ve even sat down. Within the first 30 seconds we’ve formed an opinion and this sets the tone for the whole experience. To make sure we make the right impression every design element needs to be considered to ensure it aligns with your brand’s values and your customer’s aspirations.

It takes many touch points and positive experiences, to gain a loyal customer.  According to Yotpo 60% of customers will tell family and friends about a brand they are loyal to. Loyal customers are the most effective form of marketing. You can have a beautiful interior but if it doesn’t reinforce your brand perception or connect with your customer on an emotional level then your brand won’t thrive.

To help you discover your design DNA and formulate your True North guide we delve deep into what makes you, you. It all starts with a conversation to uncover your brand, we begin with questions like; Why did you start your business besides earning a living?, What do you want your customers to say about your brand?, What differentiates you from your competitors?, How do you want to make your customers feel?

Essentially our job is to add visual value to your brand not only craft a beautiful space.

Ready to discover your True North?